Monday, April 15, 2013

It's National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry month! Celebrate by teaching your small child (5+) how to write poetry. Start with something simple like a couplet and "graduate" to a triplet. Give them a subject and have them think about what defines that subject.

For example, my kindergartener choose the topic of bubbles. Before we began writing I asked her what do bubbles do? How do you make them? Do they float or sink? Are they hard or soft? You get the idea.

Couplet: a 2-line poem that rhymes.

Triplet: a 3-line poem that rhymes.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. When I ran an after-school program, the kids loved doing the acrostic poems with their names. Also, this poetry book is one my 3 year-old loves right now! Perfect for Spring.
