Friday, April 26, 2013

Drool vs. USB Drive

My USB drive was in a small container that snapped closed on the sides. I gave it to my toddler as a "rattle" of some sort to entertain her while she sat on my lap watching TV. Consumed by my social media, I didn't notice that she opened the container and had been treating my USB drives like lollipops! I'm grateful that she didn't shove them down her throat but have to unfortunately learn the hard way of who won the battle: drool vs. USB drive. I texted my techie husband right away and told him what happened. Here's what he prescribed: immerse the drives in a bowl full of rice for 24 - 48 hrs depending on level of exposure to liquid and wait.

In the end, the drives survived. The rice worked quickly to absorb all of the moisture.

1 comment:

  1. Found you on the bloggy hop! I've used this trick for years. I'm not the most careful with my phone. :-)
