Friday, May 17, 2013

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!!!

When Springtime and Summertime return, the first thing my kids and I want to do is grab a popsicle or ice cream. It's always nice when the warmer seasons return. Allergy attacks not included. However, this unpredictable New England weather leaves me in the habit of not ever having any cold treats on reserve for those "just-in-case-it's-hot" moments. Lately, there have been more of those moments than not which forces me to spend more money than I would like to. I waste money on gas and cold treats when I have to constantly make runs to the supermarket to restock or bypass the grocery store altogether and have an off-the-cuff family outing at the local ice cream shoppe.

On my most recent ice cream and popsicle run, I stumbled across a DIY popsickle mould. That's when my light bulb went off! Why hadn't I thought to do this before? After all, that is what I do. I bought the mould and planned to be prepared for the next heat wave.

I used to subscribe to all of those cooking and parenting magazines, once upon a time, when the internet option didn't quite exist. Ah, being a first time mom. I went through some of the articles I saved and stumbled across some popsicle making ideas. These are what I found from a Parenting Magazine from 2008:
Parenting Magazine 2008
Parenting Magazine 2008

Parenting Magazine 2008
Parenting Magazine 2008

In the words of the late Dunkin' Donuts spokesman, "It's time to make the popsicles." Well, not his exact words. Remember to let each tier freeze for an hour, no matter what you put in, before adding the next tier.

Here's what we came up with, Vanilla Yogurt, Apple Juice with Blueberries Popsicle. There are as many possibilities as you can think up!

Stay cool!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!
    I remember my mom using these moulds to make us popsicles when I was a kid. I loved them. I had no idea you could be so creative with them though.

    Bismah @
